➡️Transferring WAX -> Anchor (Optional)

If you were using a WAX Cloud Wallet previously you may want to transfer to your new Anchor wallet so you can start farming.

Transfering your wax address to a new anchor wallet allows for much easier data conversion when using genesis to your benefit, Anchor is also a safer and more organized option for WAX games.

How can you setup a Anchor Wallet with WAX?

First you will have to head to the app store/google play store and download the "Anchor Wallet" app. This app will be the main control centre to all of your accounts. When download has completed open the app up and complete all of the security measures to keep yourself safe Make sure to note your 6 word recovery phrase or you will be locked out of your anchor.

Once all of the security measures have been completed you will find the main menu that shows the 3 options for "Accounts" "Sessions" and "Scan QR", The accounts feature is where you will store all of your WAX Accounts or any other accounts that may fall under another blockchain. From this home page you will navigate to the "Accounts" option, from here you will find a blank page with an "add account" function at the top right, select this option. You will now be prompted with a "create account" a "Recover Account" and "import private key" button. Again, select the Create account option at the top of the page. Now you will see all of the wallets you can create, each of these wallets have an initial cost (at most $2.79) to activate your account onto the network. After Purchasing a WAX account you will then notice an active account in your account window open this account to find all of your info including private key block explorer and web wallet access. You can use this information to now login to the web app and pair your Farmers World Accounts to Genesis.

Last updated